Saturday, June 5, 2010

Freeware FastStone Screen Capture

Semasa melayari internet jumpa gambar menarik kalau ingin save sudah banyak gambar yang telah di save  dan satu lagi bukan semua gambar yang ada di laman web itu nak simpan hanya sebahagian sahaja. Jadi apakah freeware software atau software percuma yang akan anda gunakan untuk capture dan seterusnya  mengeditnya dengan segera. Kalau mengharapkan software lain kena bayar dahulu kalau ingin beli nya susah sekali kerana kalau dah dibeli software untuk capture dan edit gambar ini tak boleh dipulangkan. Kalau ingin download di torrent site nanti pula lain yang di download nya jadi dalam banyak-banyak free software yang portable untuk edit gambar yang paling saya digemari ialah faststone capture.


FastStone capture ialah free software kalau nak yang berbayar pun ada belilah faststone capture yang banyak kelebihannya. Versi faststone capture profrssional biasanya digunakan oleh orang-orang yang betul meminati software untuk edit gambar bagi anda yang biasa lebih baik guna faststone capture versi percuma sahaja.
FastStone Capture adalah software yang ringan dan boleh di bawa ke mana-mana, maksudnya tak menganggu memory computer anda terutamanya bagi pengguna computer lama yang mempunyai 1gigabyte  memori(RAM) sahaja  bagi mereka yang telah advance dan telah menggunakan computer terkini tak ada masalah kerana RAMnya dah sampai 4 gigabyte. Dan yang paling penting sekali fastStone capture ada versi mudahalih yang hanya perlu dimasukkan didalam pen drives, portable HDD atau yang seumpamanya sahaja tanpa install. Memang bagus free photo editing ini dan kalau saya dibenarkan member bintang macam hotel saya bagi 5 bintang memang dalam kategori top 10 photo editing software terutamanya bagi pengguna di rumah bukan syarikat perniagaan. Versi mudahalih nya memang ringah kerana boleh disimpan dalam pen drive sahaja, bukan desktop pc anda.

Kegunaan sebenar FastStone capture adalah untuk mengambil gambar pada skrin computer anda. Gambar yang diambil kemudiannya boleh diedit, tambah teks ), mengubah saiz, cropping, sharpening, watermarking, melaksanakan kesan tepi dan banyak lagi. Format gambar yang ingin di simpan juga pelbagai anda boleh memilihnya BMP, GIF, JPEG, PCX, PNG, TGA, TIFF dan format PDF.

Jika anda berminat bolehlah download di laman web pembuatnya atau klik link untuk download dan menggunakan versi mudahalih percuma fastStone Capture


Post yang kemudian daripada ini saya akan menerangkan cara-cara efektif menggunakan fastStone Capture untuk menangkap skrin

selain daripada FastStone Capture terdapat juga beberapa free software untuk kegunaan rumah anda yang percuma dan portable seperti dibawah

Portable Freeware software screen capture | editing

Info PR: n/a I: 1,070,000 L: 0 LD: 162,127,789 I: 266,000Rank: 8 Age: Oct 12, 1999 I: 0 whoissourceRobo: yesSitemap: no Rank: 1376 Price: 4075140 Density
While surfing the Internet to see if want to save an interesting photo is a lot of pictures that were save and the other not all the pictures in the website i keep only the part only. So what is freeware software or free software that you use to capture and edit it immediately. If you expect to be paid software before, its difficult to buy because if you buy software to capture and edit can't be returned. If you want to download the torrent site or the other hand will download it so many, A lot of  free portable software to edit photos that i was liked but FastStone Capture is my Favorite when capture images for web site or my blog

Characteristic features

    * A small handy Capture Panel that provides quick access to its capture tools and output options
    * Global hotkeys to activate screen capturing instantly
    * Capture windows, objects, menus, full screen, rectangular/freehand regions and scrolling windows/web pages
    * Capture multiple windows and objects including multi-level menus
    * Options to specify output destination (internal editor, clipboard, file, printer ...)
    * Draw annotation objects such as texts, arrowed lines, highlights, watermarks, rectangles and circles
    * Apply effects such as drop-shadow, frame, torn-edge and fade-edge
    * Add image caption
    * Resize, crop, rotate, sharpen, brighten, adjust colors ...
    * Undo/Redo
    * Support external editors
    * Save in BMP, GIF, JPEG, PCX, PNG, TGA, TIFF and PDF formats
    * Send captured images by email

FastStone Capture is free software if yau already have paid the purchase faststone capture a lot of advantages. Faststone capture profrssional version usually used by the right people interested in software to edit photos for your regular use faststone better capture free version only.

FastStone Capture is a lightweight software that can be brought anywhere, meaning you do not disrupt the computer memory, especially for older computer users who have 1gigabyte memory (RAM) only for those who advance and have used the latest computer, no problem because the  RAM up to 4 gigabytes. And most importantly capture fastStone have mobile versions that need to be included in the pen drives, portable HDD or similar without install. It is a good free photo editing and if I am allowed member stars like me to 5 star hotel is in the top 10 categories of photo editing software for home users, especially non-business company. Mobile version because it is lightweight only kept in a pen drive, not your desktop pc hehe.

Actual use FastStone capture to take a photo on your computer screen like print screen. The Photos was taken can edit, add text, change the size, cropping, sharpening, watermarking, perform side effects, and more. A lot of picture format that you want store. You can choose various BMP, GIF, JPEG, PCX, PNG, TGA, TIFF and PDF format.

If you are interested can view and download the manufacturer's website or click the link to Download and use the portable version of the free fastStone Capture


Later post i will teech you a tutorial how to effectively use fastStone Capture as screen capture

Additionally there are other some free software for your home freeware and portable as FastStone Capture below

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