Saturday, March 13, 2010

Step to view performance tools for windows 7

Step 1: View performance tools on your computer.

On desktop Control Panel >> Click on Review your computer status like the picture below

Step 2: to view performances tools

Click on View performance tools

Step 3: Performances tools was view

More related topic:

Performance tools from helps and computer base score

View performance tools for windows 7

View performance tools for windows 7

Windows 7 is a performance tools you need to know when you use Windows 7. Why? because the performance tool you can see the grades where performance computer desktop or note book or net book. Performance tools to view your computer you must be in administrator mode if you do not need to enter passwords to see performances of this tools. The following steps are to see your computer's performance tools for those who use Windows 7 as the operating system. My computer is a performance when using low but I think windows 7 performance has improved. Here is a performance tool on my computer so how?
Yes the computer was purchased in 2005 but caused no problems so use continued until the present.
What is the Windows Experience Index?
The Windows Experience Index measures the capability of your computer's hardware and software configuration and expresses this measurement as a number called a base score. A higher base score generally means that your computer will perform better and faster than a computer with a lower base score, especially when performing more advanced and resource-intensive tasks.
Each hardware component receives an individual subscore. Your computer's base score is determined by the lowest subscore. For example, if the lowest subscore of an individual hardware component is 2.6, then the base score is 2.6. The base score is not an average of the combined subscores. However, the subscores can give you a view of how the components that are most important to you will perform, and can help you decide which components to upgrade.
You can use the base score to buy programs and other software that are matched to your computer's base score. For example, if your computer has a base score of 3.3, then you can buy any software designed for this version of Windows that requires a computer with a base score of 3 or lower.
The scores currently range from 1.0 to 7.9. The Windows Experience Index is designed to accommodate advances in computer technology. As hardware speed and performance improve, higher score ranges will be enabled. The standards for each level of the index generally stay the same. However, in some cases, new tests might be developed that can result in lower scores.
Performance Information and Tools

More topic:

Performance tools from helps and computer base score

Step to view performance tools for windows 7

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Install or uninstall google toolbar privacy

Google toolbar is especially important to Internet marketers as the Internet facilitate the maintenance works website or blog. On this basis the consumer Internet must comply with several conditions of the policy so that good things can dimanfaat together.
Here are some specified conditions to install and uninstall google toolbar privercy
The Google Privacy Policy describes how we treat personal information when you use Google's products and services, including information provided when you use the Google Toolbar. In addition, the following describes our privacy practices that are specific to the Google Toolbar. Google will notify you if it materially changes these policies, at which time you will have the opportunity to discontinue using the Google Toolbar.

Information we collect

You do not need to provide any personally identifying information in order to download and use the Google Toolbar. Except for Toolbar features that are specifically designed to work with a Google Account, all of the features can be used without sharing any personally identifying information. However, it is possible for data that usually contains no personally identifying information, such as search queries or page addresses, to contain such information in certain cases.
The Google Toolbar has some basic features that work automatically any time you use the Toolbar. Other features are optional, and only operate and transmit data if you choose to enable them.

Basic Toolbar features

  • Any time you use the Google Toolbar to contact Google, such as by sending a search query to Google, the Toolbar sends standard, limited information including your machine's IP address and one or more cookies . This data is retained in Google's server logs and protected according to our general Privacy Policy.
  • If you navigate to a URL that does not exist, the Toolbar may send the URL to Google so we can help you find the URL you were looking for. If you disable the "Provide suggestions for incorrect or unavailable URLs" option through the Toolbar Options window, this information will not be sent to Google and suggestions will not be shown.
  • When you type URLs or queries in the Toolbar search box, the letters you type are sent to Google so the Suggest feature can automatically recommend search terms or URLs you may be looking for. If you disable the "Suggest searches as you type" option through the Toolbar Options window, these letters will not be sent to Google and suggestions will not be shown.
  • Google Toolbar includes one or more unique application numbers that are not associated with you or your Google Account. These numbers are sent to Google when you install or uninstall Google Toolbar, when the Google Toolbar periodically contacts our servers (for example, to request automatic updates to the software), and with Toolbar usage statistics (if enabled).

Optional Toolbar features

  • Google Toolbar gives you access to other Google services and features that store data with Google in association with your Google Account . Your use of these other services through Google Toolbar is also governed by those services' Privacy Policies.
  • If you enable the Toolbar synchronization feature, an optional feature that stores your Toolbar and browser setting information with Google (including AutoFill information, if you have enabled AutoFill), this information will be stored in association with your Google Account.
  • If you enable the optional AutoFill feature, which automatically completes web forms for you, the Toolbar will send Google limited information about the structure of pages that have web forms and information such as the arrangement of the form so that we can improve our AutoFill service for that page. While the information Toolbar sends may include the fact that you typed in the form, the actual text that you type in the fields will not be sent to Google unless you choose to save that data with your Account using the Toolbar Synchronization feature.
  • If you have enabled Google's Web History feature to record your web activity and are logged into Toolbar, the Toolbar will send the URLs of pages you visit to be stored with your Google Account. You can disable, pause, or remove items stored in your Web History at any time as described in the Help Center .
  • Some older versions of Google Toolbar for Firefox include the SafeBrowsing feature. If this feature is enabled, the Toolbar periodically contacts Google's servers to download the most recent list of known phishing and malware sites. When you visit a site that we think is a phishing or malware site, the Toolbar will send Google a hashed, partial copy of the site's URL so that we can send more information about the risky URL. Google cannot determine the real URL you are visiting solely from this information. In addition, if you have chosen to share usage statistics with Google and you visit a site that we think could be a phishing or malware site, certain other data will be shared with Google, including the full URL that you visited, the "referer" header sent to that page, and the URL that matched the Google Safe Browsing malware list.
  • Some features may also send data to Google at the time of use. For example, Translate and Spell check work by sending the text you choose to be translated or spell-checked to Google, and AutoLink works by sending Google page text (such as addresses or ISBN numbers) for which AutoLink information is available. If you have enhanced features enabled (as described below), using the Translate feature will also send the URL of the page to be translated back to Google.
  • The My Location feature allows Toolbar to determine your approximate location based on your local network information, including details about nearby WiFi access points and/or the nearest router connected to your computer, and share that location with websites you choose. Websites that want to access your location must ask your permission, which you can grant or deny.

    • If you enable the My Location feature by granting a website permission to access location, Toolbar will periodically query Google for your current location. In order to determine your location, Toolbar will send Google the hardware IDs (i.e., MAC addresses) and SSIDs of WiFi access points visible to your machine, the hardware ID (i.e., MAC address) of the nearest connected router, and the signal strengths of nearby access points. If you disable the My Location feature, this information will cease to be sent.
    • The URLs or other information about websites with which you share your location are not sent to Google by the My Location feature. (Note: if you have also enabled enhanced features, as described below, the URLs may be independently sent by those features). You can always manage the list of websites that have access to your location through Toolbar's Options menu. Third party websites with whom you choose to share your location information are not covered by Google's Privacy Policies.
  • Send to and other features that let you transmit data from the Toolbar may log that data transmission, as explained in the Help Center.
  • Third party custom buttons and gadgets you install may send information to third party developers. These third parties are not covered by Google's Privacy Policies.

Enhanced Toolbar features

  • Toolbar's enhanced features, such as PageRank and Sidewiki, operate by sending Google the addresses and other information about sites at the time you visit them.
  • When you use Sidewiki to write, edit, or rate an entry, the URL of the relevant page, the type of action you performed and the text related to that action are sent to Google and stored with your Google Account. Your Sidewiki entries are publicly viewable and associated with your Google profile .


  • We process your requests in order to operate and improve the Google Toolbar and other Google services. For example, by knowing which web page you are viewing, the PageRank feature of Google Toolbar can show you Google's ranking of that web page. And the Sidewiki feature can tell you if others have written Sidewiki entries on a given page. Likewise, by processing the text on a web page, SpellCheck can offer spelling suggestions and AutoLink can provide useful links to information.

Information security

  • If you provide credit card information to use Toolbar's AutoFill feature, that information will be saved on your computer in encrypted form. It is not transmitted to Google.
  • Any information sent to Google will be maintained in accordance with the Google Privacy Policy . Google's Privacy Policy does not cover information that you send to third party sites.

Your choices

  • Any Toolbar feature that works by automatically sending Google addresses or other information about sites when you visit them, or that associates data with your Google Account, can be disabled or re-enabled as explained in the Help Center or simply not used.
  • You may edit or delete a Sidewiki entry you have written at any time. If you delete a Sidewiki entry, it will be removed from public view but backup copies may remain on Google's servers for a limited time.
  • If you do not wish for the Toolbar to send usage and configuration statistics as part of its periodic requests, you can disable usage statistics following these instructions.
  • Toolbar allows you to install third-party custom buttons and gadgets. You should review a third-party's privacy policy before installing a custom button or gadget.

More information

Google adheres to the US Safe Harbor privacy principles. For more information about the Safe Harbor framework or our registration, see the Department of Commerce's web site .
Further information about the Google Toolbar is available in the Help Center.
For more information about our privacy practices, go to the full privacy policy .
For questions concerning the product or your account, please check out the Google Help page

I hope to learn and read the google toolbar privercy this will make you more responsible in their use. thank you for your attention

Friday, March 5, 2010

Performance tools from helps and computer base score

This tips from windows help i'am share because i believe you don't find unless if you are are problem. About your computer's base score. The base score represents the minimum performance of your system, based on the capabilities of different parts of your computer, including random access memory (RAM), central processing unit (CPU), hard disk, general graphics performance on the desktop, and 3 D graphics capability.
Here are general descriptions of the experience you can expect from a computer that receives the following base scores:
• A computer with a base score of 1.0 or 2.0 usually has sufficient performance to do general computing tasks, such as run office productivity programs and search the Internet. However, a computer with this base score is generally not powerful enough to run Aero, or the advanced multimedia experiences that are available with Windows 7.
• A computer with a base score of 3.0 can run Aero and many features of Windows 7 at a basic level. Some of the Windows 7 advanced features might not have all of their functionality available. For example, a computer with a base score of 3.0 can display the Windows 7 theme at a resolution of 1280 × 1024, but might struggle to run the theme on multiple monitors. Or, it can play digital TV content but might struggle to play high-definition television (HDTV) content.
• A computer with a base score of 4.0 or 5.0 can run new features of Windows 7, and it can support running multiple programs at the same time.
• A computer with a base score of 6.0 or 7.0 has a faster hard disk, and can support high-end, graphics-intensive experiences, such as multiplayer and 3 D gaming and recording and playback of HDTV content.
If a particular program or Windows 7 experience requires a higher score than your base score, you can upgrade your hardware to meet the necessary base score. If you install new hardware and want to see if your score has changed, click Re-run the assessment. If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation. To view details about the hardware on your computer, click View and print details.
About your computer's subscore
The subscores are the result of tests run on the RAM, CPU, hard disk, general desktop graphics, and 3 D gaming graphics hardware components of your computer. If your base score isn't sufficient for a program or Windows 7 experience, you can use the subscores to figure out which components you need to upgrade.
The base score is a good indicator of how your computer will perform generally. The subscores can help you understand your computer's level of performance for specific experiences:
• Office productivity. If you use your computer almost exclusively for office productivity experiences, such as word processing, spreadsheets, e mail, and web browsing, then high subscores in the CPU and memory categories are important. Subscores of 2.0 or higher are usually sufficient in the desktop graphics and 3 D graphics categories.
• Gaming and graphic-intensive programs. If you use your computer for games or programs that are graphic-intensive, such as digital video editing programs or realistic first-person games, then high subscores in the RAM, desktop graphics, 3 D gaming graphics, and CPU categories are important. A subscore of 3.0 or higher is usually sufficient in the hard disk category.
• Media center experience. If you use your computer as a media center for advanced multimedia experiences such as recording HDTV programming, then high subscores in the CPU, hard disk, and desktop graphics categories are important. Subscores of 3.0 or higher are usually sufficient in the memory and 3 D graphics categories.
If your base score or subscores can't be updated
The following conditions might prevent Windows from updating the Windows Experience Index:
• Running on batter power. Windows automatically tries to conserve power when running on a battery alone. So if your computer is running on battery power, a performance assessment won't reflect its true capabilities. Plug your computer in, and then re-run the assessment.
• Not enough free disk space. The Windows Experience Index assessment tool creates a test file on your hard disk. If there's not enough free disk space to create the test file, the assessment can't be complete. You can use the Disk Cleanup tool to free up disk space. For more information, see Delete files using Disk Cleanup.
• The assessment is already running. If the Windows Experience Index assessment tool is already running, your scores can't be updated.
• The display driver is older. If your computer is using an older version of the display driver, your scores might not be updated. For more information, see Update drivers: recommended links
• No multimedia support. If your computer doesn't have multimedia support, your scores can't be updated.

more related:

View performance tools for windows 7

Step to view performance tools for windows 7

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Enable and disable Pop-up blocker on browser

Pop-up blocker how to Enable and disable Pop-up blocker on internet browser
pop up blocker ia the pop up windows appear when a mouse over the certain link

There are step by step to enable and disable pop up blocker on internet browser

Steps for Firefox

The Firefox browser includes a pop-up blocker that by default blocks all pop-ups, and therefore may block links to that open in separate windows.

To allow pop-ups from

1. Select the “Tools” menu
2. Select “Options…”
3. Select “Content”
4. Click “Exceptions…” opposite “Block pop-up windows”
5. Type “” and click “Allow”
6. Click “Close” to close Allowed Sites - Popups
7. Click “OK” to close Options

From now on, you will be able to use

Note: In the Mac OS X version of Firefox, you need to select Preferences on the Firefox menu, instead of Options on the Tools menu.
Steps for Explorer

Internet Explorer 6

The version of the Internet Explorer 6 browser includes a pop-up blocker that by default blocks most unrequested pop-ups, and therefore may block links from that open in separate windows. The blocker allows you to stop blocking pop-ups from specific websites:

1. Select the “Tools” menu
2. Select “Pop-up Blocker”
3. Select “Pop-up Blocker Settings...” and a dialog box will open

In the Pop-up Blocker Settings dialog box:

4. Type “” in the “Address of Web site to allow” text box
5. Click “Add”
6. Click “Close”

This will add to the list of allowed sources of pop-ups. From now on, you will be able to use as usual

Steps for Mozilla

1. Open the Preferences dialog under the Edit menu.
2. Scroll down to the Privacy & Security Category in the left column and expand it by clicking on the arrow.
3. Click on the Popup Windows topic.

Here you should see the an option selected to block unrequested popup windows.

4. Click the Allowed Sites button to the right of it.
5. In the Add field, add, and click the Add button.
6. Click OK in the Allowed Sites screen, then click OK again for the Preferences screen.

You can Enable and disable Pop-up blocker on other browser your self. More

Monday, March 1, 2010

HTML Page Image Generator


   Site Map

Text Link Advertising